Visit FADEL at OnDAM Paris 2023

Where: Le Pavillon Élysée Té, 10 avenue des Champs Elysées, Paris 8e
When: Tuesday November 21 and Wednesday, November 22, 2023
Hosted By: Activo
Register for Free: CLICK HERE
We’re excited to be sponsoring and attending OnDAM Paris 2023. This conference will help you understand the full potential of your DAM system with business workshops, conferences with subject matter experts, solutions presentations with leading DAM vendors, customer feedback, and DAM technologies integrated into company ecosystems. OnDAM brings together the best of DAM expertise, both online and face-to-face.
Whether you are a DAM librarian, brand manager, or creative – or responsible for marketing operations and compliance – FADEL arms you with content services, digital rights management, content tracking, and brand compliance from planning all the way through post-distribution. Stop by the FADEL table at OnDAM Paris 2023, where our team will be showcasing our solution during the day as well as hosting 1-on-1 meetings!
We also invite you to join us on Tuesday, November 21 at 12:00pm CET for an informative session: From Production to Distribution: Digital Rights and AI Content Tracking with Joseph Khoury, EMEA Sales Director, FADEL. Learn how you can extend the power of your DAM with digital rights management (DRM), ensuring brand compliance across your creative workflow, from design to production to distribution. Joseph will also demonstrate the power of AI Content Tracking to find brand assets distributed across all digital channels – identifying content matches on brand websites, social platforms, and video-sharing channels like YouTube and TikTok to pinpoint where your assets are published.
See you at the show and don’t forget to schedule time with us to see a product demo or just talk “rights.”
Joseph Khoury, EMEA Sales Director, FADEL
Creating success stories with customers for 20 years, Joseph Khoury has helped large enterprises achieve their technology and digital evolution goals within their range of business requirements and financial constraints.
Créateur de succès auprès de mes clients; depuis 20 ans j’ai eu la chance d’accompagner plusieurs grandes entreprises dans leur évolution technologique et digitale, bien évidemment en toute cohérence avec leurs besoins et contraintes budgétaires.