How Luxury Brands Can Leverage Digital Transformation to Flourish
Luxury brands convey high quality, status, and rarity, and owning such an item translates to feelings of self-confidence, accomplishment, affluence, and pride for the consumer. However, the premium price consumers are willing to pay is directly correlated to this elevated brand perception …
DRM vs DAM Metadata: Overcoming Rights Management Challenges
Visibility into not only what you own but the terms under which you can use it entails connecting assets to their contracts, which define terms of use, such as timeframes an asset can be used, as well as on what channels, in …
Accelerate the Marketing Lifecycle with Role-Driven DAM
Digital assets are touched by many roles across your ecosystem for different purposes. By identifying the key roles in your organization that interact with digital assets and the features and functionality each one needs to focus on their job at hand, you’ll …
Addressing the 4 Challenges of Content Compliance
Do you know where your brand assets have been published? How do you keep track of them post distribution? Typically, content is published across multiple websites and social media feeds and touched by multiple roles over the course of the content lifecycle, …
Maximize Your ROI: 5 Ways Digital Rights Management Helps
Protecting your digital assets and carrying on with your digital rights management methods have never been so easy. Once you register and acquire your own software, you can enjoy the benefits brought by this groundbreaking technology, especially when it comes to securing …
Keeping a Watchful Eye on your Digital Footprint with Digital Content Tracking
Omnichannel marketing is about driving an improved customer experience and maximizing the use of your existing content while maintaining compliance. …
Digital Brand Compliance: A Content Marketing Concern Across Industries
Protecting your digital assets and carrying on with your digital rights management methods have never been so easy. Once you register and acquire your own software, you can enjoy the benefits brought by this groundbreaking technology, especially when it comes to securing …
Publishing Rights Model: Delivering Rights Across the Publishing Workflow
A Publishing Rights Model (PRM) is like other taxonomies within the publishing industry, but more encompassing. The ONIX taxonomy, widely accepted as the industry standard, captures fairly static metadata about a publication, usually for a specific book ‘product’ with limited constraints. This …