Whitepaper: The Transformative Role of Artificial Intelligence in the Publishing Industry
In an era characterized by rapid technological advancement, the publishing industry finds itself at the crossroads of innovation. In this whitepaper, we explore the substantial advantages AI brings to the publishing sector, along with a nuanced examination of its potential disadvantages, offering …
DAM News Interview with Gregg Guest
Read the DAM News interview with Gregg Guest for his view of DAM as a foundational piece of the greater marketing technology ecosystem and the importance of emphasizing the M in DAM—the management piece that goes beyond storage to help facilitate and …
Article: Compensation Challenges in Publishing Subscription Models
Perhaps the most pervasive subscription space today is digital media, an increasingly crowded arena with unique challenges due to the complexities surrounding contributor compensation. Publishing houses are a subset of this massive digital media market, and as new subscription-based models emerge, publishers …
On-Demand Webcast: Protect Your Brand: Monitor Your Digital Assets After Campaign Launch
In our webinar, “Where’s Willow? How Do You Track and Monitor Published Image and Video Assets?” we will explore the challenges of managing your content post-distribution and demonstrate ways to track and take action. Let’s set the stage. Let’s say a brand …
Chronicle Books: Giving Authors (and the Royalty Team) the Gift of Automated Statements
FADEL Statement Portal is a cloud-based solution that enables Chronicle Books to quickly and securely deliver royalty statements and documents to authors and agents. In addition to automatic statement notification, the portal allows for customized communications, which Chronicle Books uses to alert …
Are Media: Accelerating and Streamlining the Use of Digital Content
With PictureDesk, Are Media was able to centralize assets from their various folders and legacy systems, move them into a high-speed, cloud-based platform, and organize them into familiar categories such as Home, Entertainment and Health in an effort to make them easily …
On-Demand Webcast: Where’s Willow? How do you Track and Monitor Published Image and Video Assets?
In our webinar, “Where’s Willow? How Do You Track and Monitor Published Image and Video Assets?” we will explore the challenges of managing your content post-distribution and demonstrate ways to track and take action. Let’s set the stage. Let’s say a brand …
Do You Know Where Your Brand Assets Are Hiding?
In this workshop by Toronto Metropolitan University, expert speakers will share best practices for rights management and the vital necessary connection to DAM. …
Automated Rights Management – An ROI Study
Download our ROI study, where we break down and discuss the factors that cause organizations to incur costs, and calculate how much they can save through a rights management system implementation. …
Give The Users What They Want (and Need) With Role-Driven DAM
In this workshop by Toronto Metropolitan University, expert speakers will share best practices for rights management and the vital necessary connection to DAM. …